Thursday, January 8, 2009

Resident Evil 5 PS3 Bundle Coming Soon

Resident Evil 5 PS3 Bundle is on the way to dish out in Japan soon !!!! SCE Japan has revealed the PlayStation 3 bundle for Capcom's forthcoming shooter Resident Evil 5 (or Biohazard 5).The bundle includes a 80GB branded with the Biohazard logo and text, a copy of the game, and two Dualshock 3 controllers.

Recent Top PS3 Games

Here is the list of the top favourite PS3 Games in 2008:
1.Grand Theft Auto IV
2.Little Big Planet
4.Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
5.The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
6.Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
7.Fallout 3
8.Rock Band
9.Uncharted : Drake’s Fortune
10.Dead Space

PSP 3000 New Color : Radiant Red and Vibrant Blue

SCE Asia has just revealed two new striking color for its PSP 3000 series. As part of a new series called "Carnival Color" , both models come in Vibrant Blue and Radiant Red. Pretty cool huh ? They're scheduled to be released on 15th January 2009.